Cogito Ergo Scribo
4 min readJan 22, 2024


And, it's not just Boeing. Big Business, aka rich people, run everything and these people have no morals, no sense of justice or the common/public good, their only compass is profit, and they prioritize their own interests over those of the general public. The whole country, the public coffers, are being looted by these Big Money interests, regardless of the damages or costs to the general public, including the loss of life, which is just seen as another number.

You have to understand: these people are psychopaths. There is no empathy for others, zero sense of responsibility to their fellow Earth Ship travelers, no sense of guilt, shame, or remorse for the needless suffering of others, and zero qualms about lies and deceit and whatever they need to do to secure their financial gains.

We no longer have a working government (duh!), we have a plutocracy/corporatocracy. Thomas Hobbes was right. The jury is in. Hobbes believed the state of human nature is "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short." Nowadays, it seems like a prophecy, that Hobbes has looked into his crystal ball and saw the 21st century world.

There is a loneliness epidemic, the middle class is shrinking rapidly and there's no money anywhere for anything except to make the rich, richer, and now we are heading for the world's 1st trillionaire. The world is nasty and brutish, with this toxic form of maleness and masculinity taking over, the constant trolling such that decent people have decided to just withdraw from the whole shitshow, and life is short, and getting shorter, with life expectancy dropping in the wealthiest nation in the world.

This is no joke.

We are heading for a civil war. We have plenty of wars, on nearly every continent, people are being killed and displaced and suffering, and the US and other nations are engaged in or heading for civil war, when what we need is a revolution.

We need to get rid of all these rich assholes raping the whole globe and every individual in it for their own profit.

Living under these circumstances turns ordinary, everyday, good people into monsters, turns all of us into monsters, all of us fighting for an ever-shrinking part of a pie that has already been devoured and we are left with the crumbs and scraps and of course people are nasty and competitive when there is just not enough to go around.

We have a very few people with everything, and a whole mass of people who have nothing, who own nothing, who have nothing in the bank, no hope for a better or brighter future, and so they have nothing left to lose and they are doing the honorable thing and fighting tooth and nail for their families, so they can survive, and f*ck everyone else.

It doesn't have to be this way. The way the world operates is not inevitable, it is not a natural evolution of occurrence but a series of choices, policy decisions, and a whole ethic and mindset that privileges profit over people.

We need to make the rich uncomfortable, make them feel the same insecurity the rest of us feel, make their world nasty and brutish and inconvenient, and storm their walled fortresses and make their children feel fear like our children feel fear and make sure they understand that they do not stand alone, that they are part of the human race, not little safe and secure islands all to themselves.

We need to make wealth and the accumulation of stuff not so attractive, change the culture so these people are seen for what they are: complete and utter psychopaths, and make fun of these people relentlessly, and when you pass the Mercedes and Porsches on the street, flip these people off and swear at them and make then feel like idiots for placing their faith in materialism.

Maybe this is going too far.

I keep hearing people say things like: their not ALL this way; there are nice and giving and kind rich people.


This is nonsense.

There is not a rich person in this world that can justify their abundance when there are so many who have absolutely nothing, living on the streets or in the woods, or all the working people slaving away for 40-50 . . . 80 hours a week and they still do not have enough to put food on the table for their kids.

This is unconscionable.

The world right now is unconscionable, but we can change it, but only when the silent majority wakes up and starts complaining and protesting. and protesting the Dems or Repubs, fighting among liberals and conservatives, but fighting the real enemy of the people, the root of all evil, and this is avarice.

It's killing us, folks -- literally.

These are the stakes.

And it's no joke.



Cogito Ergo Scribo
Cogito Ergo Scribo

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