As it should be.
Neither the people, or the planet we subsist on, can sustain this consumer-driven economy, which is not just an "economy," but a whole set of values that each of us are required to adopt in order to maintain this keep-buying-useless stuff economy.
And, with abrupt climate change, the consumer-driven economy is going to implode anyway, as it should, because it is a blight of human cultures, and has spread to all four-corners of the world, creating a society of not only haves and have-nots, but also a society riven into many different factions and tribes, all of them pointing their fingers (or guns) at one another.
The argument that raising wages will create inflation and tank the economy is bogus, as evidenced by a few functioning economies in the world that try to systematically insure that people are taken care of and given the dignity that each of us deserve.