Cogito Ergo Scribo
3 min readOct 11, 2021


Capitalism, patriarchy, and supremacy are all human-created systems.

They are not natural laws.

And this business has been going on a long time; I venture to say ALL TIME, not just this period or that history, but all of history, just sometimes we put a nice smiley face on it and pretend it doesn't exist.

My point is this: it's a flaw in the human programming, our shared and collective internal systems.

Now, it seems, there was long a collective hope that education might rectify this flaw in the human system, and we have tried, for no small amount of time, to educate people enough that they are capable of stepping outside their self-interest, at least for a short while, and recognize the collective good that might come of it, but this effort as clearly failed, as schools have become just another tool for capitalism; education has become a means to get a job, and suspect because of that.

Education is not teaching critical thinking, as this is seen as indoctrination, so now we don't really teach, or talk about much of importance at all in schools; we just assign lots of work and insist our students obey.

But, I think it might even be deeper than that, deeper than something that might be remedied through mass education.

It might just be personality types, which is to say -- the luck of the draw, with the draw guided by a cold and uncaring probability (rather than a warm and fuzzy God). That is -- we are born this way.

A good chunk of us are born totally self-centered, incapable of stepping outside the bounds of their own self-interest, guided by greed of all sorts, wanting power over others, believing in mythical hierarchies placing one above another, prone to conspiratorial thinking, and pretty much uneducable.

The good news is because we are guided by a bell curve, a simple set of probabilities, there are two tails to this beast, and while one end is dominated by ignorance and selfishness, there is also another tail that is opposite, the antithesis -- people who recognize the common good, value foresight, are humble about the limits of human knowledge, and caring about one another.

This group never wins out.

I'm talking big picture. Over time. History as well as the present.

People like you, Umair, never win out.

This bullshit always wins. Ignorance always wins. Greed always wins.

We can't seem to stop ourselves.

That means it's a flaw deep in the human system.

These things -- patriarchy, capitalism, supremacy -- are all manufactured by humans, and we allow them to persist because there are enough of us, a large enough shared collective, generation after generation, one set of genes passed to another, that we seem unable to stamp them out, to progress beyond the hurdles and disasters these human-imagined ideas create.

Even in the face of our own absolute destruction, the disappearance of our civilization, because of climate change, we humans can't be bothered to step outside of our own little skull-sized prisons to stop polluting the biosphere for which we depend.

It's a sickness. I thought it was one of cultural, but it's not -- it's deeper than that -- it is one of biology, built right into the basic building blocks, interwoven in our DNA, our own downfall and destruction, like a little bomb waiting to go off in everyone's head.

Deep like that.

We just can't help ourselves.

No use in crying about it.



Cogito Ergo Scribo
Cogito Ergo Scribo

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