Freedom Is Rare; Claim It When You Can (In Honor of National Novel Writing Month)

Cogito Ergo Scribo
5 min readOct 30, 2023
words, words, words

It can be anything you want.

Anything at all.

It can be big, small, colorful or drab, grandiose or understated, loud or contemplative . . . It can be anything.

Imagine such freedom.

You can be anything you want.

Maybe this morning it is a chivalrous knight astride a majestic horse riding through a haunted forest on a quest to save the beautiful damsel, who is, of course, capable of saving herself, and not really in need of saving, but everybody knows, damsel and knight alike, that the story cannot proceed without some demonstration of bravery and honor, or else, what’s the purpose of being a knight? So you save the damsel from the evil overlord and ride off into the sunset wherein, presumably, some romancing will occur.

But, that’s not all.

Oh no.

I said: Imagine the freedom.

You don’t have to be a knight. You can be depressed too. Maybe it’s because your significant other has been ignoring you for days going on a week and you don’t know what’s going on, but you do know that it keeps happening, these disappearing acts, and they get longer and longer, and it doesn’t feel good so you feel depressed about it…

