Cogito Ergo Scribo
2 min readAug 28, 2023


I do not disagree.

Humanity needs a benevolent overlord, maybe an AI master or a highly advanced, so advanced that their powers appear magic or god-like, to rein in our highly destructive and short-sighted human nature.

It sounds a little like Big Brother.

In fact, I've always imagined Big Brother as a liberal, a progressive, a party and platform and political philosophy that started out good, with the intention of perfecting humanity, understanding that humanity cannot be left to fend for itself, or the whole damn thing just devolves into a chaos of selfishness, greed, violence, and cruelty.

Big Brother makes everyone exercise each day, because it's good for them, and good for society. Big Brother makes people build community, collect socially with others, do activities outside of work, like art or theater or whatever else might motivate an individual. Big Brother controls all the information, because humans are gullible and uncritical, and prone to falling for misinformation, being easily led astray, like a giant pack of lemmings.

And so on.

Good intentions . . . gone bad . . . in the novel at least, which is widely read as a critique of fascism, and while nobody in their right mind would suggest fascism as a workable solution to the climate crisis, I DO NOT DISAGREE with you that what humanity needs is a keeper.

And, absent an overlord caretaker, we will undoubtedly happily and willingly destroy our environment, ourselves, and negatively impact every other living creature on the planet.

Oh, the horror, the horror.

This is what Kurtz saw at the end of Heart of Darkness -- he saw humanity's dark heart and realized we are all doomed because of it.



Cogito Ergo Scribo
Cogito Ergo Scribo

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