Member-only story
It Can Be Bleak and Not Hopeless, All At The Same Time
Climate change is here. It’s accelerating. It is as the smart people have predicted, warned, and screamed about for years and decades.
It’s scary.
Let’s acknowledge that.
It’s also sad, and there will be grieving, maybe there already has been grieving for some of you. There are stages to grieving and these, like climate change, are not made up. You may feel anger, sadness, desperation. You may ignore it for a time, push it out of your mind, and focus solely on what is in front of YOU — bills, job, groceries and laundry; you get the idea.
At some point, and this is the point — you will not feel this way forever — you will arrive at acceptance. It may be a tentative acceptance. It may be weak, but it will be there, and the awfulness you feel inside at the thought and experience of global climate change will not feel quite so heavy.
It’s always going to have some weight though, this climate change business. Acceptance doesn’t mean it’s gone; it just means the issue does not consume you as it…