It's global. America has it bad, this fever or sickness in cultural values and beliefs and functioning, but it's not just America. This same sickness is sweeping the globe. More conflict based on ethnicity. More political and social chasms. Income inequality. Ecological breakdown. Pollution. Climate change.

That's the biggie for me: climate change. It's what we all have in common. Everyone, everywhere, has seen their weather worsen and weird-en and become more destructive. It's not just on the TV anymore, and there is no crisis more deeply existential than one that threatens your collective environment.

There is no life without a functioning earth, and it's now crystal clear that humans have gone and totally f*cked the basic functioning of this planet and that we have doomed ourselves to a horrific future that not even technology can save us from.

Cogito Ergo Scribo
Cogito Ergo Scribo

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