Member-only story
Loki Shares a Toast, Drawn from a Skin of Mead
I’m free.
It’s what everybody wants.
I have it.
I have what you want.
Go ahead and be jealous. If it’s not one thing, it will be another. Might as well resent me over freedom. It’s a worthy cause.
I do what I want. I sleep until noon, if I want. I sleep all day, if I want.
I do not want for anything. I have what I need. And more. Much more. I have abundance, if I want. I can be a glutton, if I want.
I can sin all I want, if I want.
I’m that fortunate.
I have health and freedom. I have opportunity and freedom. The world is my oyster — I do not want.
I have it all.
You can keep up the resentment. Stick with it. Let it simmer and slowly burn, like a red hot ember; never let it cool.
Again, it’s a worthy cause.
I’m free and I have it all.
That’s what it means to be a God.
I’m not your God — don’t get me wrong. I do not ask that you worship at my feet. I don’t ask for worship at all. That’s ridiculous.
I am my God, not yours.