Look, I can understand differences in political opinion, different ideas about economic policy, different opinions about various values and beliefs, but there should be zero difference of opinion about the value of human life, that all of us are cut from the same cloth, built from the same sort of DNA, regardless of skin culture, ethnicity, or country of origin. This is not negotiable. This is not a difference of opinion, this is the difference between being a good person, doing good works, helping humanity as a whole, and being evil, as in -- literally -- manifesting hate and fear and division into the world, making it a worse place for the rest of us to live and do our darndest to survive.
Like, come on people, is it that hard to understand: don't be an asshole to your fellow human beings??
Here's the deal: you get what you give.
Clapton wants to bring a bunch of hate and ignorance and rage into the world, that's what he gets back in return, and no amount of money or mansions will protect you from what comes back.
That ain't a pretty life.
And, if there is an after-life, if there is some omnipotent, all-good, all-knowing deity up there judging our actions and deciding whether our souls are saved -- Well, He or She or It knows that Clapton is an unredeemed asshole, and we know where those types go.