Cogito Ergo Scribo
1 min readMar 27, 2021


Naomi Klein wrote a book in 2014, Capitalism vs. The Climate -- it's become, Capitalism versus human culture and civilization.

Geoffrey Chaucer wrote a book around 1400, The Canterbury Tales, in which he argues in the Robber's Tale: Avarice is the root of all evil.

Jesus said it too, two thousand years ago, which was kindly republished in another book, the Bible.

We don't learn. We haven't evolved.

In fact, we have devolved. What is described above about wealthy people is the goal, the world around, to be rich and capable of constant high-level consumption. This is glorified in our shared stories, and in our myths, like the American Dream.

People vote against their own interests, apparently, because, they hope/want/desire to be rich some day too, and share the interests of the super affluent.

I say we eat the rich before the rich eat up this whole planet, leaving nothing but a lifeless husk, and escape to some exclusive rich person (last ditch) retreat on the moon or the surface of Mars.

That's where we're at.

Yay humans . . . . Let the apotheosis of ignorance roll on.



Cogito Ergo Scribo
Cogito Ergo Scribo

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