Cogito Ergo Scribo
1 min readAug 3, 2023


Thank you for saying this.

I am sick and tired of the sunny-siders, in all walks of life, but especially regarding climate change, because it is not true, it is not authentic; the attitude is disingenuous, and, as you rightly point out: it prevents the world from doing what it's going to take to address climate change to the best of our ability.

Just because you believe it, doesn't mean it's true.

Just because you believe it, in the face of contrary observations, facts, and science, that you maintain your "faith" in this belief, does not make you an admirable person.

It makes you a schmuck.

Humanity, and every other living thing on this planet, is in serious, dire, and desperate peril, and most people have yet to come to this realization; this recognition has not settled in, probably because for many of these people, it's too easy to just stick your head in the sand, stay indoors and avoid the news, and if you move from one ACed environment to another, don't bother to look outside, and you haven't been struck by one of these climate disasters -- it's awfully easy to just keep going on with your normal life.

Who wants to be bothered with an existential threat when there's a new package from Amazon set to arrive and ten thousand new TikTok videos to watch.

We are in big trouble, folks, and this foolish optimism does not help, only hurts, and we need some radical honesty worldwide about the dire straights humanity has placed all living things on this planet into.

