Thanks for talking about climate change.
The analysis of the rhetorical differences between climate change and global warming is excellent, and another example of how and why language matters, and how the ways we use to language concretely influence how we interpret any little thing, and, also, how language can be used in this Orwellian fashion to create narratives, fact or fiction, that become capital-T "truth."
I am a big fan of science, but not at the expense of the humanities. It's clear that finding truth is difficult, and to do so effectively, we have to utilize any number of cognitive tools and disciplines to do so.
Re: climate change. Yeah, it's bad. Very, very bad.
There are some excellent organizations doing really important work in this arena. If you're feeling powerless and hopeless over what's happening to the globe climactically, Extinction Rebellion is an excellent organization based in the UK, and The Sunrise Movement,, or any number of local groups you can find in communities around the world.