Cogito Ergo Scribo
2 min readFeb 28, 2024


This is the thing -- these people saying: "nobody wants to work anymore" -- have never had one of these shitty jobs, and just like the application process for a job has gotten exponentially worse, more tedious and frustrating and demanding, jobs have become more tedious, frustrating, and demanding, more oppressive and micromanaged than ever before.

As far as I can tell, these people saying: "nobody wants to work anymore" are the people who are reaping the benefits of all these shitty, low-paid jobs that everyone is doing -- the beneficiaries of all this labor, the ones who profit the most, profit like Lords and Barons, off the labors of the lower classes.

Here's the truth: I don't WANT to work either. Works SUCKS now, and I have what would be considered a good job. 20 years ago, it was a good job, and I imagined myself doing this job until well-past retirement age, because I enjoyed the job, the work was fulfilling, the work culture was respectful and there were some reasonable boundaries and workers were not expected to give up their entire lives for a paycheck; workers had some power, some unity, some sense that their work mattered and was appreciated, but as far as I can tell, all that is gone now, in almost all professions, and in all professions, people are wanting to get out, even the so-called good professions, like doctors and lawyers and teachers.

I do not blame people for not wanting to work.

We work and work and work and do not get ahead.

That's a futile position.

We work and work and work and the conditions of work just keep getting worse.

There is now 1 manager-class person for every 4.75 employees. Every employee is being watched and micromanaged and metric-ed to death, and the bar is always raising, the quotas never go down, the fetish for productivity always increasing, along with the competition among employees for ever more meager rewards and returns.

It's a shitty, shitty work landscape out there.

And, it's by design -- designed to make the rich people ever richer, and the rest of us: never getting ahead.

The whole goddamned system is bogus and bullshit and everybody buys in because nobody has a choice, since everything under the sun has been commodified, especially all the necessities that a human needs to live, and all of us proles just keeps scampering to barely survive, no different than medieval peasants.

To those people who say -- nobody wants to work -- I say: f*ck you . . . you wouldn't to work either if you knew what it would demand of you, what you have to endure, all the indignities you will have to swallow, all the misery you will just have to endure, for a paycheck that will never go far enough, because all you rich assholes who keep saying: nobody wants to work, all you pricks keep taking it all for yourself, the whole damn pie, all to yourselves, your greed only surpassed by the ignorance that allows all of this to keep happening.

